Delaware Clients of FourStar Wealth Advisors met on Sunday, September 29, 2024, for a Tall Ship adventure on the Christina River in Wilmington, Delaware. 

While the day was overcast and had a slight mist in the air, the Swedish Tallship, Kalmar Nykel provided and an unparalleled experience. 

The current Kalmar Nykel is a 1997 replica of the original 1625 Kalmar Nykel Tallship that landed around the spot the current ship sails from in Wilmington, Delaware in March of 1638. 

It was intriguing to hear the story of this fantastic ship that crossed the Atlantic 4 times, in an age when 20% of all ships that crossed the Atlantic never reached their destination. 

The ship currently is crewed by a female Captain, a few crew members, and a large staff of volunteer sailors. 

Before boarding the ship, some guests toured the Copeland Maritime Center, which provided more information on this epic ship.